Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, and others used their apps and public media to win a California ballot question (58% in favor) enacting a law denying rights to their employees. [I’ve heard that corporate Democrats championed this law.] Denies minimum wage, unemployment, overtime protection, etc.
In this case, the voters overturned a pro-labor law enacted by the state legislature. We’ve seen pro-democracy ballot questions overturned or undermined cavalierly by state legislatures in South Dakota and Florida. Let’s see whether the California legislature will act.
Ballot questions are a double-edged sword. While they seem to offer citizens a way to overcome legislatures that are controlled by corporate contributions, SCOTUS has ruled that it is unconstitutional to limit spending on ballot questions, which tilts the scales very significantly. We should consider adding this issue to our hearing presentation.
Charlie Cooper
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