Sunday, December 16, 2018

Senate votes to allow IRS review of dark money donors to "non-profits"

Pres. Trump had issued an executive order barring the IRS from reviewing who is donating to non-profit organizations that make political contributions. The Senate voted to overturn this order because it opens to door to foreign influence and corrupt special interests. It's not expected to pass in the House, however.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Senate votes to allow review of non-profits' donors

Pres. Trump had issued an executive order barring the IRS from reviewing who is donating to non-profit organizations that make political contributions. The Senate voted to overturn this order because it opens to door to foreign influence and corrupt special interests. It's not expected to pass in the House, however.

Charlie Cooper

Corporate money causes stress within Cong. Progressive Caucus

Detailed review of Dems' democracy reform bill - H.R. 1

The rich get their money's worth from Congress

Gutting the IRA is one mechanism of return on investment for political spending.