Saturday, October 31, 2015

New strategic bomber contract awarded after millions of dollars worth of lobbying | Center for Public Integrity

Your State And Local Elections Are Now A Super PAC Playground

Your State And Local Elections Are Now A Super PAC Playground

Don't underestimate the importance of super PAC money in local elections this year.

Television News Network Lobbyists Are Fundraising for Hillary Clinton

Tweet from Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) tweeted at 9:01 AM on Sat, Oct 31, 2015:
FDR: "We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob."

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Is There a Silver Lining to Citizens United? -

The New Politics of Judicial Elections, Bankrolling the Bench

Money in Judicial Elections.

Special interest money is targeting state judicial elections, study finds: , via Al Jazeera America for Android

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Report: Matching Funds Would Give Huge Boost to Sanders, Cruz and Carson

The Families Funding the 2016 Presidential Election - The New York Times

Editor, NY Times

Thank you for the investigative report (The Families Funding the 2016 Presidential Election,”
October 10, 2015) on families making major contributions to impact the 2016 Presidential race. The article has many interesting and relevant facts, such as the major role played by hedge fund managers and other members of the financial industry.

However, I am afraid it underplays by omission another grave danger of the post-Citizens Unitedelection finance system – the role the multi-nationals may be playing in funding Super PACS or 501(c)(4) organizations directly from their corporate treasuries.

The article makes it seem that nouveau riche families are heavily involved and that multi-national corporations are not nearly as involved. However, considering all the mechanisms available to hide the identity of donors, I don’t understand how that could be substantiated. Therefore, I think the article should have contained a clearer caveat about the lack of disclosure and what we are prevented from knowing about who is influencing our elections.

Charlie Cooper, President
Get Money Out - Maryland

Democratic Candidates Should Use the Debate to Talk Money in Politics |

Justice Kennedy's Political Casino - Bloomberg View

A ‘yes’ vote on Question 1 returns elections to the hands of Maine voters | BDN Maine | Bangor Daily News

Thursday, October 8, 2015

In First TV Ad, Lawrence Lessig Asks Who 'Owns' Marco Rubio - First Draft. Political News, Now. - The New York Times

Is pro-Bush super PAC obscuring spending? | Center for Public Integrity

Money in politics

LobeLog (@LobeLog) tweeted at 10:34 AM on Thu, Oct 08, 2015:
Ayotte Relying On Out-Of-State Anti-#Iran Deal Donors In Reelection Bid

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Beware the New Conventional Wisdom About Super PACs | Brennan Center for Justice

Is a Pro-Bush Super PAC Obscuring Its Spending? | TIME

Anonymous donors send millions to pro-Rubio group