Thursday, June 13, 2024

Analysis of Trump fundraising and legal expenses in wake of criminal conviction

Open Secrets chronicles how Trump's interconnected campaign committees have spent $184 million on legal fees since 2016, of which $81 million has been spent during the 2024 election cycle. Biden has spent about $35 since the start of the 2020 presidential cycle via his joint fundraising committee and the DNC.

"Red Curve Solutions, an accounting and compliance firm . . . that reportedly does not offer legal services, received about $8 million in "reimbursements" for legal fees from Trump's political operation through the end of April. 

"Red Curve Solutions has faced legal scrutiny for fronting legal costs for the Trump political operation. Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan campaign finance watchdog, filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission claiming the arrangement 'seems designed to obscure the true recipients of a noteworthy portion of Trump's legal bills and, in doing so, seems to violate federal law.'"

Charlie Cooper

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