Sunday, July 16, 2023

GOP ethics expert criticizes payments to Clarence Thomas aide

An aide to Clarence Thomas received several payments via Venmo in connection with a "CT Christmas Party." The payments were from former Thomas law clerks who now may have business before the Court, including one who recently successfully argued the case on affirmative action in university admissions.

"Richard Painter, who served as the chief White House ethics lawyer in the George W Bush administration and has been a vocal critic of the role of dark money in politics, said it was 'not appropriate' for former Thomas law clerks who were established in private practice to – in effect – send money to the supreme court via Venmo. . . . [sic]

"Painter said he would possibly make an exception if recent law clerks were paying their own way for a party. But almost all of the lawyers who made the payments are senior litigators at big law firms."

Charlie Cooper

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