Monday, August 30, 2021

Grandson of Caesar Chavez talks about voting rights and more


On the eve of the 8/28 March On 4 Voting Rights, he connects Black and Latino experiences and takes a holistic view.


Charlie Cooper

Sunday, August 29, 2021

thousands rally for voting rights across the nation

thousands rallied in Washington, DC, and other cities to press Pres. Biden to fight harder and to press Senate Democrats to change procedural rules in the Senate to allow enactment of democracy protections by simple majority.

Charlie Cooper

Voting rights have high support but level of confidence has dropped

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The coming redistricting disaster 


"There are states that could have maps enacted this fall, over the course of the next couple of months. This isn't something that can be dealt with effectively after vacation. This is something that needed concerted effort and focus since day one."


Although the tone is dire, there is an implication that gerrymandering takes at least several weeks to go forward. Emergency legislation passed by the Congress soon after the Senate returns on September 13 could pre-empt state action.


Charlie Cooper

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Dems still working on For the People Act compromise just before recess


Could it be a positive sign that a Maine senator (King) is added to the working group? Perhaps he will weigh in for public campaign finance.


Charlie Cooper


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

NH preemptively decouples state/local elections from federal requirements of For the People Act

PART IV - Relative to the effect of certain federal laws on New Hampshire election procedures.

177:1 New Hampshire Election Procedures; Certain Federal Laws Non-Controlling. Notwithstanding the adoption by the United States Congress of S.1, also known as the "For the People Act of 2021," all procedures and requirements relating to elections conducted pursuant to the New Hampshire constitution and as prescribed by New Hampshire law shall remain in full force and effect for all state and county officers, including but not limited to those procedures and requirements relating to voter eligibility, voter registration, absentee voting, conducting the vote, and counting of votes.

177:2 Effective Date. Part IV of this act shall take effect upon its passage.



Charlie Cooper

Home: 410-578-8291

Mobile: 410-624-6095

Get Money Out - Maryland



Republicans stand to make huge gains in House of Representatives with gerrymandering


This article shows how GOP can gain a an overwhelming number of seats to take back control of the House even if they do poorly with voters. The For the People Act ban on gerrymandering can stop that.


Charlie Cooper with thanks to Danny Golombek