Sunday, January 31, 2021

Financial services CEO calls billionaire's tax 'obvious' solution | TheHill 


The State of Washington has the most regressive tax structure in the United States. CEO of Gravity Payments Dan Price is working to institute a wealth tax on billionaires to fill the states $3-billion budget gap.


Charlie Cooper with thanks to Bill Harvey


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

10 richest people gained $500 billion in pandemic



Astounding statisic:  According to Oxfam, the wealth of the world’s 10 richest individuals has risen by £400bn since the start of the pandemic. That sum could apparently vaccinate every adult on Earth, as well as restore the income lost in 2020 to the world’s poorest people.




Charlie Cooper with thanks to Hank Prensky




Sunday, January 24, 2021

Jaime Harrison picked to head DNC and raise big money


Although Harrison, a protégé of Rep. Clyburn, lost by 10 points to Lindsay Graham, he raised the most ever by a Senate candidate. Now Joe Biden wants him to be DNC head and use his skills to raise big money for the Party.


Charlie Cooper and Angad Singh




Thursday, January 21, 2021

What Can Sanders Do as Budget Chair? – Rob Johnson – 

A former Senate budget staffer describes how money in politics overrides popular will and how the supreme Court is set to make a new ruling protecting first Amendment rights of large donors.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Bill would repeal the 1993 "Motor Voter" law which allows people to register to vote at the DMV


Combines the original Republican opposition back in 1993 with the Supreme Court ruling against Arizona, and little surprise that an Arizona Republican has introduced a new bill that would repeal the 1993 Motor Voter law. It was introduced in the House on January 4 as bill number H.R. 36, by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ5).


Marty Wulfe

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Stopping corporate PAC contributions is whitewash


There are many paths for big money to flow to and to corrupt politicians. Announcements about corporate PACs suspending donations are insufficient. Corporate officials sometimes make political expenditures and contributions – whether from a corporate PAC, from personal funds, or directly from corporate treasury – not necessarily because they like the politician but because they are buying access.

The Daily Poster contacted scores of companies linked to top SLF and CLF donors, and virtually none committed to taking steps to restrict top corporate officials from continuing to make far larger donations to the super PACs that bankroll congressional Republicans.“


Charlie Cooper




Monday, January 11, 2021

FW: Fight big money & corporate rule: Please endorse the Democracy Amendment Resolution

Dear Carl,


Thank you for all the support you've given for our campaigns for a Democracy Amendment to the Constitution. Get Money Out – Maryland requests that Caucus of African-American Leaders. endorse the Democracy Amendment Resolution for 2021. We believe that the 2020 elections gives ample evidence why We the People must amend the Constitution to affirmatively guarantee every citizen's right to vote, reserve Constitutional rights for human beings only, and regulate big money in politics.


Please review the attached request. If CAAL decides to support, please fill out the questionnaire at the bottom of page to indicate your endorsement.


Thanks for your kind consideration,

Charlie Cooper, President

H: 410-578-8291

M: 410-624-6095

Get Money Out – Maryland (GMOM)

 "We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." – Louis Brandeis





First Monthly Meeting of 2021


Good Morning LSPC Fam, 

Just a reminder that our first meeting of 2021 will be tonight Thursday, January 7th at 06:00 PM via zoom.  

We will be discussing the 2021 Maryland Legislative session that starts in just a few days as well as the many other topics that currently affect the shore. 

To attend make sure to register in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. I can't wait to see you there and please let me know if you have any questions.

In Solidarity,
Jared Schablein 
Chair, LSPC 







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